Crafting a Winning Response To ‘Tell Me About Yourself’ Interview Question

October 4, 2023 | Sarabjeet Sachar |

Have you ever faced the nail-biting moment in a job interview when the interviewer leans forward and asks,”Tell Me About Yourself”? It’s that pivotal question that can set the tone for the entire interview. In this article, we’ll delve into the art of crafting a winning response that goes beyond listing your professional background and skills.


 Let’s unravel the secrets to make this question your opportunity to shine.


 Here are 5 steps to follow:


1. Understanding the Objective:

When an interviewer poses the “Tell me about yourself” question, they are probing for more than just a recitation of your resume. Let’s break it down into what is going on in the interviewer’s mind:


a] Will this individual fit my work culture?

The interviewer wants to gauge if you’ll be a good fit within their team and company culture. They’re looking for hints about your personality, values, and how you’ll blend in.


b] Will he/she deliver results as per what is said in the interview?

Beyond skills, they want to know if you can walk the talk. Can you back up your claims with real-world examples?


c] Does his/her career goal align with my company’s vision and goals?

The bigger picture matters. Interviewers seek candidates who aren’t just looking for a job but are aligned with the company’s vision and long-term goals.


2. Beyond Professional Background:

Now, let’s get to the crux. While your professional background and skills are crucial, they form only a part of the puzzle. To stand out, you must also unveil your unique qualities and traits:

Are you patient? Are you adaptable? Do you thrive on accepting challenging assignments? It’s these attributes that often distinguish one candidate from another.

Share very briefly one liners from your professional journey that exemplify these traits. Did you steer a project through turbulent waters? Did your adaptability save the day when facing unexpected challenges? Paint a vivid picture of how these qualities have played a vital role in your career.


3. Crafting Your Response:

Here’s how to craft a response that leaves a lasting impression:

Start with a concise overview of your professional background and key skills.

Then, seamlessly transition to discuss your standout personal qualities and traits. Include those qualities that are required for the job you are being interviewed for. Which means customise your response.

Conclude by drawing the connection between these qualities and how they align with the company’s culture, goals, and your aspirations.


4. Dos and Don’ts:

For a stellar response, keep these dos and don’ts in mind:

Dos: Be concise, highlight qualities relevant to the role, and align with the company’s values.

Don’ts: Don’t ramble, avoid delving into personal life, and never overlook the company’s needs and expectations.


5. Practice and Preparation:

The secret sauce to success lies in practice. Tailor your response to fit different job interviews. And before the big day, invest time in researching the company’s culture and values to align your response accordingly. Record your response on your mobile (audio or video) and see / listen to it multiple times till you perfect your answer.

In summary, the “Tell me about yourself” question is your moment to shine. It’s your chance to go beyond the confines of your resume and reveal the qualities that make you the ideal candidate. So, practice, prepare, and craft a response that not only impresses but also aligns seamlessly with the company’s vision.


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Best of luck!


Sarabjeet Sachar

Seasoned Career Coach & Founder & CEO, Aspiration

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