Are You The ‘Know-It-All’ Kind Of A Leader?

September 27, 2023 | Sarabjeet Sachar |

Are you the type of leader who revels in being the go-to person, the all-knowing sage who swoops in to solve every problem that crosses your team’s path? It’s a tempting position to be in, isn’t it? The one who holds all the answers, the solver of all dilemmas. It’s flattering and can give your ego a substantial boost.


But here’s a revelation that might just change the trajectory of your leadership journey: this seemingly enviable role could be harming your career progress as a leader. Yes, you heard that right. The very thing that makes you feel like a superstar leader might be holding you back.


You might wonder, how could being the problem-solver extraordinaire possibly hinder your leadership growth? Well, it all boils down to one simple truth: by always providing solutions, you might inadvertently be stifling your team’s growth. You’ve become the proverbial safety net, catching every issue before it hits the ground. And while that might seem like you’re being the ultimate team player, it’s not helping your team members develop their critical thinking skills.


What’s more, you may have unwittingly fostered an environment where your team doesn’t feel comfortable offering suggestions or ideas. Why? Because they’ve come to expect that you’ve got it all figured out. They know you as the one-stop-shop for solutions, and as a result, they’re less likely to approach you with their own insights.


Now, picture a different scenario. Imagine if, instead of swooping in with answers, you began to ask a simple question: “What do you think can be the solution?” This single change can work wonders. By encouraging your team to think critically and come up with their own ideas, you’re empowering them to grow, learn, and become more independent problem solvers.


Sure, their suggestions might not always hit the mark, but that’s not the point. The magic lies in the process. When your team members engage in discussions, brainstorming solutions, and debating ideas, they’re learning and growing with every interaction. They feel valued, their confidence soars, and their skills sharpen.


That, dear leaders, is the essence of good leadership – nurturing an environment where your team’s potential is unlocked, their creativity flourishes, and their contributions matter. It’s about fostering a culture where everyone has a voice and a stake in the team’s success.


So, if you’re ready to take your leadership to the next level, remember this: it’s not about having all the answers; it’s about asking the right questions and giving your team the chance to shine. Challenge them to think, encourage them to share their ideas, and watch as your team and your career soar to new heights.


What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.


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Best wishes for a great career!


Sarabjeet Sachar

Seasoned Career Development & Leadership Coach

Founder & CEO, Aspiration

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