You Don’t Need A Team To Be A Leader – Here’s Why

June 26, 2024 | Sarabjeet Sachar |

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Vijay (name changed to maintain confidentiality) is a mid-level, high-performing, and ambitious project manager who is seeking a leadership position. Currently, he excels as an individual contributor, consistently delivering outstanding results. However, he feels disheartened as he is being passed over for a promotion to a leadership role.


In a recent conversation, I asked Vijay a few questions to understand his perspective better:

What do you enjoy most in your current role?

Vijay responded: “I enjoy solving problems and have a unique ability to view challenges differently. When the team struggles with issues like stakeholder management or articulating our product’s value proposition, my boss entrusts me to find solutions. I take pride in being the go-to person in our department, but I yearn to lead a team.”


What does leadership mean to you?

Vijay replied: “Leading a team to achieve goals aligned with the company’s objectives.”

We then discussed how leadership goes beyond merely managing a team. Leadership comes in various forms, and you can be a leader in more ways than you realise.


Here are three key points we covered:

1. Driving Success in Your Role: Even as an individual contributor, you can demonstrate leadership by leading projects and collaborating with stakeholders to achieve excellent results. Leadership involves driving success in your role, whether you are managing a project, spearheading an initiative, or ensuring seamless operations. Your ability to lead effectively in these capacities can make a significant impact.


2. Becoming the Go-To Expert in Your Domain: You can lead by being the best expert in your domain, the person everyone turns to for solving problems and guiding progress. Leading and inspiring others in your field is a powerful form of leadership. By sharing your expertise and mentoring others, you contribute to the growth and success of your colleagues and the organization.


3. Influencing as a Thought Leader: Thought leadership allows you to influence minds positively and make a significant impact. Sharing your insights and shaping the future of your industry positions you as a key influencer. Thought leadership is about inspiring change, driving innovation, and providing valuable perspectives that others look up to.

Leadership is about more than just managing a team; it’s about making a difference in your role, your field, and your industry. Embrace these diverse forms of leadership and combine it with your own uniqueness to unlock your full potential and drive your professional growth forward.

P.S: Do you agree that leadership is more than leading a team of people? Share your thoughts in comments below.


Best Wishes For A Successful Career


Sarabjeet Sachar

Founder & CEO, Aspiration

Seasoned Career Development & Leadership Coach

4 thoughts on “You Don’t Need A Team To Be A Leader – Here’s Why

  1. Hi,
    I agree with all the points mentioned here. However, i feel the need of having a team here may be merely for a growth within the organization which as an individual contributor he may not foresee. I understand that, improving oneself with the above qualities increases the chances to get a team assigned to align all the team members to the company’s objectives. Just a thought from myside. Hope it makes sense.

  2. Hello Sarabjeetji,
    Actually i was asking the same question to myself from some months. I was leading a team of 5 people and indirectly associated with 20+ people on different work aspects. I was always thinking to lead bigger team so that i can able to develop my inner leadership qualities and be their trusty support in every problem they came across. But recently two of my team mates reassign to other team as my section has less work. I felt disappointed but didn’t react to it and accept their decision. But somehow i was feeling lonely and discourage. But your post gives me some energy to do my best in whatever i have.
    Thanks for the right motivation.
    Thank you so so much …….

  3. SS thank you I always appreciate your impact. However, I still have some reservations regarding why a leader doesn’t need a team, I shared with you on the points you taught us. My core values are leadership and personal development, in one of my leadership books I read that one of the hallmarks of leadership is succession with continuity and legacy. If you’re not with a reliable team how will this be accomplished as a leader?

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